My Testimony – the Fruit of the Womb

I got married traditionally at the age of 24yrs in 2005 without the presence of husband. But in 2007 we had the wedding, my husband was present then. Then after, a few weeks later, my husband returned abroad. We hoped that after the wedding ceremony, we would have conceived. We had great expectation to be pregnant but that didn’t happen. But we were sure of one thing that, when you are patient, God will “embarrass you” with His blessings.

It wasn’t easy to be married and being in Ghana and my husband in the United States. I didn’t think that was Biblically ok about what marriage should be. But in God’s own time He makes all things beautiful. Anytime my husband visited me, I was anxious, anxious to get pregnant. The results of that anxiety was that nothing happened, no pregnancy. One thing I learnt was that one can’t receive anything from God when anxious. As a Christian, you must remember this, God’s word;

Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God Phillipians 4:6 NKJV

In 2011, I joined my husband in the States. Now already we have been trying especially during all those visits to Ghana, so even though I was finally with him now, I wasn’t actually having it in mind to keep on trying or being anxious to get pregnant. Glory to God in 2012, I got pregnant without even knowing I was. Now this my “little” Testimony – At the right time, God makes all things possible! We need to have patience, be prayerful and leave the rest to God (trust Him). God has blessed me with two beautiful girls and I thank God for their lives. I thank God that I’m still alive and He is still blessing me and He is going to bless me till I say God I’m really overwhelmed with your blessings.

My little advice…

So my little advice to all those who are married and expecting the fruit of the womb is, It is God that gives Children. He will give you children at the right time. He will “embarrass” you with blessings and you will be so happy. You will ask yourself, “Is this me?” You will sing praise to Him declaring to the world how far the Lord has brought you. Hope this Testimony motivates you, gives you Hope and stirs up your faith. God bless you!

He grants the barren woman a home, Like a joyful mother of children. Praise the Lord!

Psalm 113:9 NKJV

~ testimony of Debby


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